" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/irw/irw57828/u/5.jpg">


  • 超值裝!
  • Bioperine黑胡椒提取物吸收加強配方
  • 啟動你的燃脂‡能力
  • 膳食補充劑
  • Omega -3油 - 每日必需脂肪酸



品質保證 -  Irwin Naturals致力於為您的健康提供極高品質的產品。我們採用符合性測試,以確保純度和效力。

專利Bioperine黑胡椒提取物  Bioperine黑胡椒提取物 加強了許多營養物質的生物利用度、吸收和效力。



網路價:994元,結帳享5%折扣後 945


  • 重視大小!
  • 攝護腺健康
  • 積極主動的男性
  • 320 毫克鋸棕櫚
  • 加茄紅素、非洲刺李和南瓜籽提取物
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 未添加防腐劑

Prosta-Strong ® 採用了多面的配方,旨在支持前列攝護腺。這種多營養成分的混合物包括草本和營養成分的組合,從策略上支援前列攝護腺健康。

  • 前列攝護腺健康:鋸棕櫚提取物可很好地支持前列攝護腺健康。南瓜籽、β-穀甾醇和魚油含有重要的脂肪酸和植物甾醇,為前列攝護腺提供寶貴的營養支援。
  • 排尿功能:鋸棕櫚提取物還會支持男性在衰老過程中的排尿功能健康。傳統上,Pygeum and Graminex® 可用作前列攝護腺特異性營養素
  • 抗氧活性:天然番茄提取物,包括茄紅素,可為前列攝護腺提供有益健康的營養。Prosta-Strong® 同樣提供具有抗氧功效的槲皮素類黃酮。

Prosta-Strong® 專注於這 3 個目標領域,並結合支援性營養以實現前列攝護腺健康。這種高級配方含有來自魚油的健康水準的歐米伽-3 脂肪酸。


液體軟凝膠 - 這些易於吞咽的液體軟凝膠中的營養物質可快速釋放。其它形式的輸送可能含粘合劑和填充物,可能會引起胃部不適,並且沒有營養價值。優質的液體軟凝膠提供了較佳的輸送系統。

品質保證 - Irwin Naturals® 致力於為您的健康提供優質的產品。我們採用合規性測試,以確保純度和效力。

專利 BioPerine ® - 我們特殊的 BioPerine 複合物可提高許多營養素的生物利用度、吸收、效能。

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/irw/irw57829/u/22.jpg">


  • 重視大小!
  • 攝護腺健康
  • 積極主動的男性
  • 320 毫克鋸棕櫚
  • 加茄紅素、非洲刺李和南瓜籽提取物
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 未添加防腐劑

Prosta-Strong ® 採用了多面的配方,旨在支持前列攝護腺。這種多營養成分的混合物包括草本和營養成分的組合,從策略上支援前列攝護腺健康。

  • 前列攝護腺健康:鋸棕櫚提取物可很好地支持前列攝護腺健康。南瓜籽、β-穀甾醇和魚油含有重要的脂肪酸和植物甾醇,為前列攝護腺提供寶貴的營養支援。
  • 排尿功能:鋸棕櫚提取物還會支持男性在衰老過程中的排尿功能健康。傳統上,Pygeum and Graminex® 可用作前列攝護腺特異性營養素
  • 抗氧活性:天然番茄提取物,包括茄紅素,可為前列攝護腺提供有益健康的營養。Prosta-Strong® 同樣提供具有抗氧功效的槲皮素類黃酮。

Prosta-Strong® 專注於這 3 個目標領域,並結合支援性營養以實現前列攝護腺健康。這種高級配方含有來自魚油的健康水準的歐米伽-3 脂肪酸。


液體軟凝膠 - 這些易於吞咽的液體軟凝膠中的營養物質可快速釋放。其它形式的輸送可能含粘合劑和填充物,可能會引起胃部不適,並且沒有營養價值。優質的液體軟凝膠提供了較佳的輸送系統。

品質保證 - Irwin Naturals® 致力於為您的健康提供優質的產品。我們採用合規性測試,以確保純度和效力。

專利 BioPerine ® - 我們特殊的 BioPerine 複合物可提高許多營養素的生物利用度、吸收、效能。


(成年人)每天服用四 (4) 粒液體軟凝膠,隨餐和一滿杯(8 盎司)水服用。可一次服用或分數次。

網路價:1,278元,結帳享5%折扣後 1,215


  • Prostate Health 
  • Pro-Active Male 
  • Healthy Urinary Flow 
  • 320 mg of Saw Palmetto 
  • Plus Lycopene, Pygeum and Pumpkin Seed Extract 
  • Dietary Supplement 

Prosta-Strong® is a comprehensive formula developed to support the prostate gland. This multi-nutrient blend includes a combination of herbs and nutrients to strategically support prostate health.

  • Healthy Prostate: Saw Palmetto extract supports optimal prostate health. Pumpkin Seed Extract, Beta-Sitosterol and Fish Oil contain important fatty acids and plant sterols that deliver valuable nutritional support to the prostate gland.
  • Urinary Flow: Saw Palmetto extract also supports healthy urinary flow in men as they age. Traditionally, Pygeum and Graminex® have been used as prostate-specific nutrients.
  • Antioxidant Activity: Natural tomato extract, including Lycopene, delivers beneficial nourishment for the prostate. Prosta-Strong® also supplies quercetin, a flavonoid that exhibits antioxidant properties.

Prosta-Strong® focuses on these 3 targeted areas and combines supportive nutrients for optimal prostate health. This advanced formula includes healthy levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids from Fish Oil.

What makes us different:

Liquid Soft-Gels - The nutrients in these easy-to-swallow Liquid Soft-Gels are released fast. Other forms of delivery can contain binders and fillers that may cause stomach upset and offer no nutritional value. Advanced Liquid Soft-Gels provide an optimum delivery system.

Quality Assurance - Irwin Naturals® is committed to providing the highest quality products for your health. We employ compliance testing to ensure purity and potency.

Patented Bioperine® - Our special Bioperine Complex enhances the bioavailability, absorption and potency of many nutrients.

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/irw/irw26245/u/19.jpg">


  • Prostate Health 
  • Pro-Active Male 
  • Healthy Urinary Flow 
  • 320 mg of Saw Palmetto 
  • Plus Lycopene, Pygeum and Pumpkin Seed Extract 
  • Dietary Supplement 

Prosta-Strong® is a comprehensive formula developed to support the prostate gland. This multi-nutrient blend includes a combination of herbs and nutrients to strategically support prostate health.

  • Healthy Prostate: Saw Palmetto extract supports optimal prostate health. Pumpkin Seed Extract, Beta-Sitosterol and Fish Oil contain important fatty acids and plant sterols that deliver valuable nutritional support to the prostate gland.
  • Urinary Flow: Saw Palmetto extract also supports healthy urinary flow in men as they age. Traditionally, Pygeum and Graminex® have been used as prostate-specific nutrients.
  • Antioxidant Activity: Natural tomato extract, including Lycopene, delivers beneficial nourishment for the prostate. Prosta-Strong® also supplies quercetin, a flavonoid that exhibits antioxidant properties.

Prosta-Strong® focuses on these 3 targeted areas and combines supportive nutrients for optimal prostate health. This advanced formula includes healthy levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids from Fish Oil.

What makes us different:

Liquid Soft-Gels - The nutrients in these easy-to-swallow Liquid Soft-Gels are released fast. Other forms of delivery can contain binders and fillers that may cause stomach upset and offer no nutritional value. Advanced Liquid Soft-Gels provide an optimum delivery system.

Quality Assurance - Irwin Naturals® is committed to providing the highest quality products for your health. We employ compliance testing to ensure purity and potency.

Patented Bioperine® - Our special Bioperine Complex enhances the bioavailability, absorption and potency of many nutrients.


Directions: (Adult) Take four (4) Liquid Soft-Gels per day with meals and a full glass (8 oz) of water. May be taken all at once or divided throughout the day.

網路價:740元,結帳享5%折扣後 703